Microvolunteering- National Volunteering Week 2021
This National Volunteering Week, we’re asking people to think small! Whether it’s an action you can take to support your community like picking up litter or doing something for yourself like meditation or enjoying a hot bath, even the smallest acts can have a big impact. The last year has been hard on us all but there are small things we can do for ourselves, and for each other, that make a big difference.
How about:
A beach cleanup: We are blessed with beautiful beaches here in Sligo. Next time you’re heading for a walk or a swim, bring your gloves and a bag and pick up anything that shouldn’t be there.
A litter pick in your area: These have been happening all over the county recently which is wonderful. Again, next time you’re going for your walk bring the litter picking gear and keep your road or green tidy. Contact Sligo’s hardworking litter wardens if there are signs of illegal dumping, they will deal with it asap.
Write a card or letter: It will take you ten minutes to write a card or letter to a resident in Mowlam Nursing Home here in Sligo and you will make their day! Keep it light and upbeat and let them know we are still thinking of them. Call or email us for the contact details. 0719111042 or info@volunteersligo.ie
Penguin Watch (seriously): Count penguins in remote regions to help Oxford University understand their lives and environment. Penguins are globally loved but under threat. Why are penguin populations are in decline? Help monitor penguins and answer this question. www.zooniverse.org
All Ireland Pollinator Plan: Do a Flower-Insect Timed Count in your garden to add to the data being used to track changes in abundance of these vital insects. www.pollinators.ie
The Irish Genealogical Society- Transcribing/Indexing: Interested in transcribing valuable genealogical documents? More hands are always needed to move these projects along no matter what your experience. They would love to hear from you. www.irishancestors.ie
Be my eyes: Every day, sighted volunteers lend their eyes to solve tasks big and small to help blind and low-vision people lead more independent lives. https://www.bemyeyes.com/
Let us know what small action you’re taking this week! Don’t forget to get involved on social media using #NVW2021 and #SmallActionsBigImpact.