Tips & Tricks Series: Governance and Finance

By |2021-02-12T17:01:27+00:00February 12th, 2021|Categories: Charity, Connecting, Governance, Tips and Tricks, Training|Tags: , , |

Not the most exciting of topics - but a very necessary one. We were delighted to have Kathya O' Neill with us to deliver a short overview of the Charities Regulator and Charities Governance Code as well as some practical financial basics for not for profits. Kathya is a Trustee on our Board, a Chartered Accountant [...]

Up-skilling can be revitalising | Training courses and learning opportunities we love

By |2020-06-26T11:55:33+01:00June 25th, 2020|Categories: News, Training|

In this period of #holdfirm and #staysafe, we examine our own services and skills. What can we do better? What do we want to do but do not yet have the know-how to do it? What can we improve upon? We strive to improve our services and the information we provide on an ongoing basis. Below [...]

Series of Group Webinars & Networking on Good Governance being rolled out in Sligo this Autumn

By |2020-02-29T14:58:14+00:00July 24th, 2019|Categories: Training|Tags: , , , |

We recognise that working for the community is hard work, and the growing number of requirements on community groups to conform to certain governance practice is increasingly forcing volunteers out of the sector. in partnership with Sligo PPN, the Carmichael Centre & Volunteer Ireland we are offering a series of group webinars and networking events on governance issues to support local community groups.

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Dealing with Challenging Situations Training

By |2020-02-29T14:58:23+00:00July 22nd, 2019|Categories: News, Training|Tags: , , |

Working with volunteers can present certain challenges. It is human nature to want to put if off in the hope that it will sort itself out! Addressing difficulties as early as possible will help to avoid an escalation that will demand more of your valuable time. This workshop will give you the skills and confidence to face these situations.

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