Mental Health Ireland ( is encouraging the country to stay connected, keep communicating, and to reassure themselves and each other during COVID-19 lockdown and beyond. They have developed a series of resources designed to help people support their own mental health and that of their loved ones during these challenging times. Resources include:

Five Ways to Wellbeing, a poster series which reflect the tough times we currently face,

FAQs for those supporting mental health concerns during COVID-19;

A Routine Template and a short video on how to use routine to support your mental health and practical tips for supporting mental health, and

The Connect, Communicate, Reassure resource pack co-produced by people who have experienced mental health challenges, supporters, family members, the Office of Mental Health Engagement & Recovery and Mental Health Ireland.

Mental Health Ireland encourages everyone to put evidence-based wellbeing strategies into practice today!

Some of the things we all can do to support mental health amid COVID-19 are:

    • Chat to your loved ones about their needs and yours
    • Brainstorm the things you are doing well together
    • Create/review your crisis plan
    • Identify supports to help with shopping/pharmacy, if needed
    • Ensure important telephone numbers are in one safe, accessible place.

Stay positive and well everyone.