To showcase what we get up to here in Sligo Volunteer Centre and how we can help people, we have compiled a few stories from volunteers and non-profits who have used our service.  This is the sixth of these stories and this one comes from Des Kennedy, Volunteer and Volunteer Leader.

A little about me:
My name is Des Kennedy and I volunteer in a number of roles namely:

  • President of St. Vincent de Paul (SVP) conference
  • Facilitator of Accord pre-marriage courses
  • Member of Sligo Rotary club
  • Tutor of a philosophy group
  • Volunteer in Samaritans 
  • Phone calls to older people on behalf of Sligo Social Services.

I enjoy volunteering, particularly if it is helping others.

I have learned to give my full self to the various roles as otherwise, the roles become chores. You gain self-worth and satisfaction from contributing. I would strongly recommend volunteering to anyone who has not yet become involved.

How the Volunteer Centre has helped:

The Volunteer Centre has helped me get new members for our SVP conference as well as having interesting online sessions. I have learned from these what challenges others in volunteering leadership are experiencing and how they deal with these challenges.

You gain self-worth and satisfaction from contributing. I would strongly recommend volunteering to anyone who has not yet become involved.

Des Kennedy