As our fourth event in National Volunteering Week 2020, Talk Thursday on September 24th at noon aims to showcase a smattering of Sligo’s volunteer-involving groups who are currently seeking new people to join their forces. This event allows participants to ask the questions and hear the real-life experiences of a volunteer or someone who works within the various groups. You are invited to attend. Sign up here!

Hosted via Zoom by Ríona Rochford, Sligo Volunteer Centre Volunteer Development Officer, the event introduces attendees to five organisations: Age Action, the Samaritans, the No Name! youth club in Tubbercurry, the NCBI Charity Shop, and the North West Simon Community.

These charities currently seek volunteers and offer many important services in Sligo, such as:

If you are interested in one of these volunteer roles, click on the links above to find out more. Or, join us online Thursday, September 24th to hear directly from those who are already involved. Find the details here.