Carrying on with our series of stories from volunteers and non-profits who have used our service, this one comes from Bernadette Crilly, Director of Services at the Neurology Support Centre (

Why did you take on volunteers?

For various programmes – befriending, gardening, and hospitality.

Would you do it again?

Yes, definitely.

Did you find the volunteers you were looking for?

We have found some and expect that we will continue to look for volunteers once we re-open and establish our services further.

Did you get what you expected from Sligo Volunteer Centre?

Yes, a huge amount of information and guidance, and also practical help in advertising, meeting other volunteer managers, etc.

Have you attended any training courses/meetings held by Sligo Volunteer Centre?

Yes, I have attended some training and viewed recordings of others – they were really practical and helpful. I attend the Volunteer Managers Get-Togethers when I can and these are great for getting ideas, seeing what other organisations are doing and making new contacts.

Would you recommend Sligo Volunteer Centre to other organisations?

Absolutely – they are so helpful but also reassuring to know there is somewhere to turn for support/queries.

I attend the Volunteer Managers Get-Togethers when I can and these are great for getting ideas, seeing what other organisations are doing and making new contacts.

Bernadette Crilly