Volunteer Ireland and the network of Volunteer Centres are looking for input from volunteer involving organisations for the creation of two charters, one for Organisations and one for volunteers.
Once developed, these codes will be made available to Volunteer Involving Organisations and used to clarify expectations from both volunteers and organisations, when volunteer takes up a role in an organisation. By implementing the code of conduct an organisation will be creating a clear foundation of it’s relationship with volunteers and by ensuring the codes are followed, generating an increased quality in the volunteering experience.
For Organisations
Volunteer Ireland and the network of Volunteer Centres are looking for input from volunteer involving organisations for the creation of two charters (Codes of conduct, statements of commitments/expectations), one for Organisations and one for volunteers.
Once developed, these codes will be made available to Volunteer Involving Organisations and used to clarify expectations from both volunteers and organisations, when volunteer takes up a role in an organisation. By implementing the code of conduct an organisation will be creating a clear foundation of it’s relationship with volunteers and by ensuring the codes are followed, generating an increased quality in the volunteering experience.
Whether you are a small or big organisation, with few or many volunteers – we would love to hear your ideas and feedback to help us create a simple and useful Volunteer Charter that will speak to all levels of Volunteer Programmes. This will be a great opportunity for those who are new to volunteer management and those with loads of experience to come together and share experiences, ideas and solutions!
NOTE: For this workshop/survey we are looking for representative of organisations that involve volunteers, and leaders/coordinators of volunteers (paid staff and voluntary).
For Volunteers
Volunteer Ireland and the network of Volunteer Centres are looking for input from volunteers for the creation of two charters (Codes of conduct, statements of commitments/expectations), one for Organisations and one for volunteers.
Once developed, these codes will be made available to Volunteer Involving Organisations and used to clarify expectations from both volunteers and organisations, when volunteer takes up a role in an organisation. By implementing the code of conduct an organisation will be creating a clear foundation of it’s relationship with volunteers and by ensuring the codes are followed, generating an increased quality in the volunteering experience.
Whether you are a new volunteer or have been involved in volunteering for a long time – we would love we would love to hear your ideas and feedback to help us create a simple and useful Volunteer Code of Conduct that will help us ensure that volunteering continues to be a good quality experience for volunteers. This will be a great opportunity for volunteers to talk about what sort of programmes they would like to be involved in, what supports they would like to see in place and how they would like to be treated by organisations.
NOTE: This workshop/survey is for individuals who are currently volunteering or have volunteered in the past, and those new to volunteering and looking to start their volunteering journey.
A link to all workshops for both organisations and volunteers
Consultative Survey links
Organisations – https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DJ85JLB
Volunteers – https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DJK8FJL