Training & Support Services
We run regular training for Not For Profit Groups.
Below is a list of training courses that we offer. If you would like a session organised for your group, please contact us. Training will be delivered online for the foreseeable future. Content and offerings may vary from below.
Volunteer co-ordinators Get Together
Sligo Volunteer Centre facilitates regular get togethers for local Volunteer Co-Ordinators.
These Get Togethers are an opportunity to meet with other Volunteer Co-ordinators, paid and unpaid, to get support and discuss topics with those who manage volunteers.
The Forum is free, and typically involve an open discussion as well a presentation on volunteer management topics chosen by participants.
They are
- informal
- interactive
- inspirational!
If you are interested in joining us – get in touch on and follow our social media pages to find out when the next one is on!
Garda Vetting Service
Sligo Volunteer Centre is registered with the National Vetting Bureau to provide a vetting service for small to medium sized organisations who wish to vet their volunteers, but who do not have access to a Liaison person within their own organisation.
As of April 29th 2016, a new Bill – The National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act 2012-2016 came into effect.
This act makes it mandatory for people working with children or vulnerable adults to be vetted by the Garda Síochána National Vetting Bureau.
Vetting is a legal requirement for any person who is carrying out relevant work or activity under Schedule 1 of the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act 2012 – 2016.
Relevant work must be a regular and consistent part of their role; it should not be incidental to their role (i.e. happening as a minor accompaniment to something else). This sheet will help you determine who should be vetted. (Link to the Who should be vetted sheet)
A vulnerable person means a person, other than a child, who is suffering from a disorder of the mind, whether as a result of mental illness or dementia, has an intellectual disability, is suffering from a physical impairment, whether as a result of injury, illness or age, or has a physical disability, which is of such a nature or degree as to restrict the capacity of the person to guard himself or herself against harm by another person, or that results in the person requiring assistance with the activities of daily living including dressing, eating, walking, washing and bathing.
In Summary:
If your organisation engages people in relevant work, you are required by law to vet anyone who is engaged in this work before they commence their role.
Your organisation will have to decide by looking at the Schedules in the Act, which roles are relevant work and which are not. To vet someone who does not require vetting is a breach of the Act and of Data Protection.
There are new obligations required by you. These are
- A legal responsibility to check, verify and keep on file the applicants ID
- The storage of disclosures and data returned on each vetting subject
For details on the process please contact Ciara or Olivia on or by calling the Volunteer Centre on 071-911 1042
In general, to avail of this service:
Your organisation will be required to attend training on the Garda Vetting process and legislation. We organise training a few times per annum. Cost: s is €25.
To register as an affiliate with the Garda Vetting service, there is a once off cost of €25.
- You will be required to sign a Service Level Agreement and other documents with us before service can commence
- There is a processing charge of €15.00 per form thereafter.